Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Main at Higgins "must turn right" sign

Main at Higgins - There's a "must turn right" sign on Main at Higgins ("except buses"). The exception should also include bikes. This intersection follows two of the worst downtown blocks for cyclists (Disraeli/Alexander to Logan and Logan to Higgins) as motorized vehicles and cyclists compete for limited road space because of the kerb extensions - particularly outside the Salvation Army. There seems no apparent reason why the exception to turning right shouldn't be extended to include cyclists. You can see from the photo the continuation of the bay on Main north of Higgins which would enable bikes to get this far before moving back into the line of traffic.


  1. there are a lot of "except" buses signs that exclude bikes... i generally take them to mean "exceps bikes and buses....)

  2. That's how I interpret them as well " except buses" means " except buses and bikes"

    Imagine heading south on Main at Portage and not taking the buses only lane? Yikes!
